Educational Resources
In addition to the materials available for purchase, we are always working to provide you with access to other resources. These include free materials for download and a free online communication assessment service. View Design to Learn products you can purchase online
Tangible Symbol Systems Primer (free) 20-page document including basic information about tangible symbols, how to teach individuals to use tangible symbols to communicate and tips from parents and professionals [free download-pdf].
Online Communication skills assessment (free) The online Communication Matrix is a tool that guides you through a step-by-step process to assess how an individual is currently communicating; designed for parents and professionals to assess early communicators who may not use speech [free online service in English and Spanish].
Home Talk (free) 42-page assessment tool developed by and for parents of children who are deaf-blind to help them participate in their child’s educational program on an equal footing with professionals [free download in MsWord (English), MSWord (Spanish), PDF (English), or PDF (Spanish) ].
Assessment Guide for Young Children who are Deaf-blind (free) 56-page guide to assessing young children who are deaf-blind or who have multiple disabilities [free download-pdf]
NEW!! Communication Supports Inventory-Children & Youth (CSI) (free) Use the CSI-CY to write better communication-related IEP goals by prioritizing areas of concern that should be targeted. Rate the major areas in which the child's participation is restricted because of communication limitations. Then, rate the child's specific communication limitations and functional impairments that affect communication. Finally identify environmental facilitators and barriers that affect communication. You get a report of areas of concern for consideration at the student's next IEP meeting. Use the online version or download a fillable pdf from:
New! Design to Learn IEP Development Guide (free)
This 28-item IEP quality guide was created to serve as a clinical resource for educators and therapists who develop educational goals. The guide was created specifically to address the difficulties of developing high quality communication-related educational goals for children with complex communication needs. The first six sections include questions about the qualities of the goals/objectives; while the seventh section addresses qualities related to the IEP document as a whole. The items are presented as questions that a practitioner (or parent) could ask about a proposed IEP. The questions remind the IEP developer to consider whether the proposed goals are focused/precise, measurable, and student-centered; foster active participation; are functional and educationally appropriate; and whether the entire IEP is of high quality. This clinical tool may serve as a bridge between meeting legal requirements and generating high quality goals that students, professionals and families can understand.
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